LIFE Wetlands4Climate Online Networking Event

An online workshop to share objectives, methodologies and results obtained by different experts and projects on issues related to the carbon cycle, greenhouse gas fluxes, and climate change mitigation in epicontinental aquatic ecosystems. LIFE wetlands4Climate partners introduced  the methodology and progress achieved with the  project so far, as well as in other projects developed by the partners, remarking the Role of Mediterranean wetlands in C & GHG-exchanges.

Networking events of this kind are useful to join efforts in order to bring the results of this research to decision-makers and serve as input for the generation of public policies. 

Program – LIFE Wetlands4Climate Online Networking Event

  • Welcome and introduction of participants
  • LIFE Wetlands4Climate introduction. Vanessa Sánchez (FGN)
  • The role of Wetlands as Nature-based solutions. Alessio Satta (MedWet Coordinator)
  • Moorfutures Standard. Jan Peters (Succow Foundation)
  • The role of Mediterranean wetlands in C & GHG-exchanges. LIFE Wetlands4Climate and related projects. Antonio Camacho (Universitat de València)
  • “Carbon cycling in temporary and shrinking waters: doing limnology whenwatervanishes” BielObrador(UniversitatdeBarcelona)
  • “FLAMMINGGOS: The roles of waterbirds, invertebrates, and carbon and nutrient subsidies in modulating wetland greenhouse gas emissions” Andrew Mehring (University of Louisville, USA & EBD-CSIC)
  • “CiRcadian, seasOnal and climatic variability in greeNhouse gas emissiOns in Mediterranean reservoirS: physical and biogeochemical drivers (CRONOS)” Isabel Reche Cañabate (University of Granada)
  • “Pond ecosystems for resilient future landscapes in a changing climate: PONDERFUL Project” Sandra Brucet (UVic-UCC & ICREA) & Thomas Davidson (Aarhus University)
  • General discussion
    Conclusions and Final remarks. Antonio Camacho

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