FGN and UVEG technicians continue with the field work in the wetlands of Castilla y León. From 19 to 21 April, in addition to the second visit to characterise the pilot wetlands and select the corresponding work plots, work began on the initial diagnosis and management proposals for the pilot wetlands in relation to carbon fixation with respect to their current state of conservation and management methods.
The experimental plots dedicated to mowing marsh vegetation have taken centre stage. In both La Nava and Boada lakes, two areas were chosen in each with three types of predominant vegetation: chestnut (Bolboschoenus maritimus), cattail (Typha domingensis) and Carex (Carex divisa). In each area, three control plots and three experimental plots have been delimited and the latter have been mowed manually. The aim is to monitor the project over the coming months…
These actions correspond to actions A2 and C1 of the LIFE Wetlands4Climate project.