Conservation and Management of Wetlands to Tackle Climate Change

14-16 February 2024

Valencia (Spain) - Complejo “La Petxina”


14 February 2024

  1. 08:30 – 09:00 Accreditations
  1. 9.00 – 10:15 Convocation – Inaugural session

    Location: Auditorium

    • José Gosálbez Payá, Councillor for Devesa Albufera, Ayuntamiento de Valencia
    • Eduardo de Miguel Beascoechea, Director General of Fundación Global Nature
    • Musonda Mumba, Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention (vídeo)
    • Pilar Serra, Vice-Rector for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the University of Valencia
    • Francisca Baraza Martínez, the Commissioner for Water Cycle and Ecosystem Restoration, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
    • Florika FINK-HOOIJER. Director General for the Environment of the European Commission (vídeo)
    • Salomé Pradas Ten. Regional Minister for the Environment, Water, Infrastructures and Territory Generalitat Valenciana
  1. 10:15-11:00 Coffe break
  1. 11:00-12:30 Session 1: La Albufera, the status of its conservation according to metrics

    Location: Auditorium

    Moderator: Carles Sanchís. Researcher at CVER - President of the Governing Board of La Albufera Natural Park, Polytechnical University of Valencia.

    • Historical evolution of the vertebrate communities in La Albufera Natural Park. Juan Jiménez, Head of the Wildlife Service and the Natura 2000 Network, Department of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Generalitat Valenciana.
    • A century of limnological monitoring of La Albufera. María Sahuquillo, Head of the Wetlands Section, Department of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory, Generalitat Valenciana.
    • The evolution of the vegetative landscape of the Devesa of La Albufera of Valencia. Anthropic impacts and restoration projects. Francisco José Collado, Head of the Vegetative Landscape section, City Council of Valencia.

    • Q&A session

    >> View the full session programme <<

  1. 12:30 - 14:00 Session 2: Management and restoration of Mediterranean wetlands for climate change mitigation. LIFE Wetlands4Climate

    Location: Auditorium

    Introduction of LIFE Wetlands4Climate. Vanessa Sánchez Ortega, Fundación Global Nature.

    • Scientific foundations for management/restoration of Mediterranean wetlands in climate change mitigation and the contributions of the LIFE Wetlands4Climate project. Antonio Camacho, Professor of Ecology, University of Valencia - Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology.
    • Actions in Wetland Management and Restoration for climate change mitigation (co-benefits, costs, and barriers). Antonio Guillem, Wetlands Coordinator, Fundación Global Nature.
    • Environmental education and the perception of wetland ecosystem services among various interest groups. Andreu Escrivà, Environmental Project Technician, València Clima i Energia.
    • The importance of audiovisual communication for Mediterranean wetlands. José Luis Fernández-Checa, Agencia EFE.
    • Regulatory framework for Carbon Sequestration Certification: Opportunities and challenges in wetland restoration. Iván Martínez, Policy Officer, Unit for Land Economy and Carbon Removals, DG Climate Action, European Commission
    • Q&A session

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  1. 14:00-15:30 Lunch
  1. 15:30 - 17:00 Presentation of papers: "Wetlands and Climate and Global Change"

    Location: Auditorium

    Moderator: Antonio Camacho, Professor of Ecology, University of Valencia - Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology.

    • Keynote presentation: Examining carbon processes in Mediterranean wetlands across varied ecological conditions: implications for the climate change challenge. Carlos Rochera, Researcher, Universitat de València - Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology.
    • The impact of drought on the carbon storage capacity of an endorheic saline lake. Isabel Reche, Professor of Ecology, University of Granada.
    • Future scenarios of coastal wetland loss and the role of large-scale restoration for mitigation and adaptation to sea-level rise. Carles Ibañez. Director of the Climate Solutions & Ecosystem Services Unit, Eurecat, Climate Resilience Centre.
    • Biodiversity loss and anthropogenic activities affect ecosystem functions in natural ponds’ ecosystems. María Cuenca-Cambronero, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Vic.
    • Reduction of the external nutrient load in the Fuente de Piedra lagoon (Southern Spain) by means of artificial wetlands. Emilio Moreno, Contract Researcher in charge of the project, Water Institute (University of Granada).
  1. 15:30 - 17:00 Presentation of papers: "Wetlands and Biodiversity"

    Location: Conference room - A2

    Moderator: Amanda del Río, Deputy Director, Fundación Global Nature.

    • Keynote presentation: Effects of vegetation, water and soil management actions implemented through LIFE Wetlands4Climate on habitats of community interest, fauna and flora. David Miguelez, Project technician, Fundación Global Nature.
    • The deurbanization of the Pletera marsh: the ecological criteria applied and initial results. Xavier Quintana, Institute of Aquatic Ecology. University of Girona.
    • New tools for the ecotoxicological risk assessment of chemicals in the Albufera Natural Park. Andreu Rico, Distinguished researcher, University of Valencia.
    • Towards a large-scale coastal wetland restoration strategy. Nuno Caiola, Researcher, Eurecat.
    • Study of the zooplankton of the main coastal wetlands of the Valencian Community, comparison with previous data. Bruno Chianese, Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, University of Valencia.
  1. 17:00-17.45 Coffee break and viewing of scientific posters.
  1. 17:45 - 19:15 Presentation of papers: "Wetlands and Climate and Global Change"

    Location: Auditorium

    Moderator: Eduardo Vicente. Professor Emeritus of Ecology, University of Valencia.

    • On the use of triaxial magnetic fields for the maximization of phosphorous adsorption onto magnetic particles. Alejandro Rodríguez Barroso, Researcher, University of Granada.
    • How two constructed wetlands (Tancat de la Pipa and Tancat de L'Illa) within Albufera de València Natural Park respond to global change. Nuria Carabal, PhD student, Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva. Universitat de València.
    • Impacts of sediment desiccation on biogeochemistry of a Ramsar wetland. María Gómez Pozuelos, Water Institute, University of Granada.
    • Conservation and sustainable development of coastal wetlands. Nil Álvarez Segura, Researcher in the Climate Solutions and Ecosystem Services group, Eurecat, Technology Centre of Catalonia.
    • Combating eutrophication using in-flow magnetic separation with a Halbach array configuration. Jorge Rivas Pérez, R&D Engineer, University of Granada.
  1. 17:45 - 19:15 Presentation of papers: "Wetlands and Biodiversity"

    Location: Conference room - A2

    Moderator: Ernesto Aguirre.  Fundación Global Nature.

    • Spanish Protocol for the Hydromorphological Characterisation of Lakes (IHL). Julio Miguel Luzón. Biotecnología y Medioambiente SL., Granada.
    • The Programme for Monitoring Wetlands in the Valencian Community.Lucía Moreno Fernández, Generalitat Valenciana.
    • Unravelling the presence of exotic microcrustaceans in two Mediterranean wetlands. María Bisquert-Ribes, University of Valencia
    • Wetland treatment with rotenone. Lessons learned. Anna Gallés Gabarró, Director, Andrena Foundation.
    • Knowing the invader. The case of Lemna minuta in the Viar river. Jesús José Soriano Bermúdez, Hydrobiology Technician, DBO5 S.L.

15 February 2024

  1. 9:00-10:30 Session 3: Wetland restoration in practice: implementation, barriers, problems, and solutions

    Location: Auditorium

    Moderator: Antonio Troya, IUCN-Mediterranean.

    • Presentation of the Strategic Plan for Wetlands to 2030 - Action Line 3B: restoring wetlands. Magdalena Bernués. Jefa del Servicio de Conservación e Inventario de Humedales. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. 
    • Integration of circular economy and biodiversity in sustainable wastewater treatments based on artificial wetlands. Miguel Martín Monerris, Associate Professor, Polytechnical University of Valencia - Water and Environmental Engineering University Research Institute (IIAMA).
    • Large-scale mapping of existing and lost wetlands: Earth Observation data and tools to support restoration. Anis Guelmami, Coordinator of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory, Tour du Valat. 
    • Wetland restoration in the framework of LIFE IP-Duero. Mónica Gómez Gamero. Equipo Coordinación Proyecto LIFE IP DUERO. Tragsa
    • Wetland restoration at SEO/BirdLife (from Cantabria to Cádiz, passing through Valencia, Teruel and Madrid): common problems and solutions of various wetlands.Mario Giménez Ripoll. Delegado en la Comunitat Valenciana. SEO/BirdLife
    • Experience in the management of artificial urban wetlands: a nature-based solution to flooding. Amelia Navarro Arcas, Director of Sustainability, Equity and Social Action. HIDRAQUA
    • Roundtable

    >> View the full session programme <<

  1. 10:30-11:00 Cofee break
  1. 11:00-12:25 Session 4: Threats and pressures on wetlands

    Location: Auditorium

    Moderator: Jordi Cortina Segarra, Director, SERe Europa, Professor of Ecology UA, University of Alicante, Society for Ecological Restoration Europe.

    • Are wetlands in fashion? Conditions and changes suffered by this ecosystem. Santos Cirujano Bracamonte, Senior Fellow, Royal Botanical Gardens.
    • Evidence of the deterioration of the Doñana ponds system. Carmen Díaz Paniagua, Research Scientist, Doñana Biological Station (CSIC).
    • Recovery and expansion of the Laguna de El Hito (Cuenca), a successful model of ecological restoration. Fernando Viñegla Prades, Coordinator, LIFE El Hito, Fundación Global Nature.
    • The challenge of restoring wetlands in a civil society and tips for winning the royal game of the goose. Teresa Gil Gil, Head of the Water Department, WWF Spain.
    • The management and restoration of wetlands in La Mancha Húmeda Biosphere Reserve. Antonio Aranda Moreno, Head of Natural Areas Services, Castilla-La Mancha, Department of Sustainable Development, Directorate General for the Natural Environment and Biodiversity.
    • Roundtable

    >>View the full session programme <<

  1. 12:25-12:35 Break
  1. 12:35 - 14:00 Session 5: Governance and the social dimension

    Location: Auditorium

    Moderator: Maria José Viñals, Professor, Polytechnical University of Valencia.

    • Challenges in governance for wetland management and conservation (online). Flore Lafaye de Michaux, Secretary General, Ramsar Convention.
    • The social dimension of conservation. Ramsar Wetland City. Gert Michael Steiner. Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research. University of Vienna.
    • The case of Venice and its lagoon. Matteo Lizier. Direttore U.O. Bonifiche Ambientali e Legge speciale per Venezia. Area Tutela e Sicurezza del Territorio. Direzione Progetti speciali per Venezia. Veneto Region.
    • Coordination problems in the governance of coastal wetlands: Doñana and the dredging of the Guadalquivir estuary. Pablo F. Méndez. Grupo Ingenio UPV.
    • Governance in socio-ecosystems, the challenge of conservation in the 21st century. Aida Vizcaíno, Profesora asociada de Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Universitat de València.
    • Social perspectives and innovative governance models for coastal protection. Irene Luján, Researcher, BlueGreen Governance Project - HORIZON EU, Universitat de València
    • Management and public use in the Tancat de la Pipa. Aránzazu Fidalgo Pelarda, Head of the Hydrological Planning Office, Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar
    • Roundtable

    >> View the full session programme  <<

  1. 14:00-15:30 Lunch
  1. 15:30 - 17:00 Session 6: Wetlands, Green Jobs, and Eco-entrepreneurship

    Location: Auditorium

    Moderator: José Ignacio Lacomba, City Council of Valencia.

    • Training for ecological transition. The new Empleaverde Plus Programme, an opportunity to live in harmony with nature. Sonia Castañeda, Deputy Director for Green Transition, Biodiversity Foundation (MITECO)
    • Wetlands, Green Employment and Eco-entrepreneurship. Paloma López-Izquierdo Botín, Director of Coordination and Institutional Actions, Group Tragsa.

    • La Albufera as a driving force for the economy and tourism. David Gómez. Product Manager. Fundació Visit Valencia de la CV

    • Horizon EU Project. SOTERIA. Insurance innovation and the natural value of wetlands. Ciro Pascual. Technician, Council for the Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory of the Generalitat Valenciana.

    • The challenge of citizen participation in wetland conservation. Sales Tomás Pons, Director, Fundación LIMNE.

    • Roundtable

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  1. 17:00 - 18:00 Closing ceremony

    Location: Auditorium

    • Conference summary. Antonio Guillem and Vanessa Sánchez. Fundación Global Nature
    • Conclusions and scientific results. Antonio Camacho, Professor of Ecology, University of Valencia - Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology.
    • Antonio García, Director General, European Green Capital.
    • Raúl Mérida, General Director of Nature and Animal Environment of the Generalitat Valenciana.

16 February 2024

  1. 08:15-17:00 Visit to the La Albufera Natural Park

    08:15 - 09:00 Departure from Valencia and arrival at La Albufera Natural Park. Buses will be available for all those who have registered for the excursion. Information with the complete details will be provided to the attendees. 

    09:00 - 12:30 Guided tours exploring the Natural Park

    12:30 - 13:15 Boat tour of La Albufera Natural Park with a stop at El Palmar

    13:15 - 14:30 Conclusions

    14:30 - 16:30 Lunch at El Palmar

    16:30 Return

(*) Speakers to be confirmed