Ecosystems provide enormous benefits that have an impact on the well-being of populations through the multiple services they generate. These services translate into benefits for society; they are contributions that improve people’s health, economy and quality of life. Assessing and learning more about their value, their conservation status and the perception that communities have of these services is part of the objectives of the Global Nature Foundation through the LIFE Wetlands4Climate project.
On Saturday June 11, with the collaboration of the City Council of Villafranca de los Caballeros, the Workshop on ecosystem services focused on the protected natural area Lagunas Grande and Chica of this municipality of Toledano. The workshop was held in the nature classroom and was attended by 15 people representing different sectors of society: neighbors, farmers, scientists, ranchers, social and cultural associations, among others.

During the activity, surveys and workshops were used to identify and select the main services provided by wetlands in the work areas (provisioning, regulating and support, and cultural services) and the social mapping of agents directly or indirectly related to these services (including economic, social, public, scientific, and recreational agents). The results of the study, together with those of the workshops conducted in other study areas, will be published to provide an overview of the impact of the project both at the species conservation level and at other levels of social and economic impact.

The first impressions of the workshop held in Castilla-La Mancha are that the participants were satisfied and valued very positively having had a place to express their ideas and listen to those of others with very different profiles. They also expressed their desire to keep the group alive in order to exchange experiences and work on the conservation of the lagoon.