Getting to know wetlands through environmental education
During the months of November and December 2021, several environmental education activities have been carried out in Castilla y León. These included three field visits
During the months of November and December 2021, several environmental education activities have been carried out in Castilla y León. These included three field visits
From 5 to 7 October, and after four years of development, the closing event of LIFE Paludicola took place, a project that has been an
The Lake Balaton Development Coordination Agency (LBDCA) and the Global Nature Fund (GNF), with the support of Living Lakes Partners, organize the 24-hour long online
From October the 28th to October the 30th, 2021, the XVI International Nature Conservation Forum of the IUCN Spanish Committee took place in the Parque
Between October the 4th and October the 18th, 2021, vegetation clearing and soil stripping works was carried out in the Boada de Campos lagoon (Palencia),
The Monitoring Committee is a key element for the proper functioning of the project, whose purpose is to involve the different stakeholders of the territory
Last August 2021, field work returned to the La Nava lagoon (Palencia), on this occasion to begin the W4C conservation actions, specifically the first scheduled
Every four years the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) World Conservation Congress takes place, which brings together thousands of leaders and decision-makers from
On September 1, we participated in a conference on social responsibility with a presentation on conservation of spaces and species for university students in Mexico,
On the 28th of July and the 3rd of August, FGN and UVEG technicians restarted the field work in the Castilla y León and Castilla-
The LIFE-Wetlands4Climate project has received a visit from Sara Mora, from the external NEEMO-IDOM team of the European Commission, to see first-hand how the project
El proyecto “Gestión y restauración de humedales mediterráneos como sumideros de carbono – LIFE Wetlands4Climate (LIFE19 CCM/ES/001235) está cofinanciado por el Programa LIFE de la Unión Europea
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