To reduce GHG emissions by restoring the sequestering functions of 5.300 ha of degraded peatlands in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
To raise awareness of the importance of peatlands for climate change mitigation, as well as of the damages to the climate caused from drained, excavated and poorly managed peatlands. To reduce GHG emissions by restoring the sequestering functions of 5.300 ha of degraded peatlands in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
LIFE Peat Restore restored approximately 5,300 hectares of drained and degraded peatlands in five EU countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany. To assess the climate effect of the restoration the project applied two techniques: the GEST approach (Greenhouse Gas Emission Site Type) and direct measurements with chambers. Moreover, LIFE Peat Restore promoted awareness and dialogue between peatland stakeholders and policy-makers, by organising workshops and producing a variety of informational material – Guidelines, Reports, Booklets, short Films, etc.
Tallinn University, University of Latvia, Lithuanian Fund for Nature, Rucka Art Foundation, Engure Lake Nature Park Fund, E-Buvvadiba, NABU, Klub Przyrodników
El proyecto “Gestión y restauración de humedales mediterráneos como sumideros de carbono – LIFE Wetlands4Climate (LIFE19 CCM/ES/001235) está cofinanciado por el Programa LIFE de la Unión Europea
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