Currently and until January 20, the exhibition can be visited at Casa del Parque “El Palomar” in Villafáfila Nature Reserve, in the province of Zamora. During the first quarter of 2023, it will be installed in other educational centers located in the province of Palencia.
During the last quarter of the year, several environmental education activities related to wetlands and their values in Castilla y León have been carried out.
The mobile exhibition Wetlands: key ecosystems involved in climate change, has sited in five educational centers in the province of Palencia, linked both to adult education and to the divulgation of the Natural Areas of Castilla y León, such as Centro de Acción Social Fernandez Nieto, Universidad Popular de Palencia, Aula de Medio Ambiente de Fundación Caja de Burgos or Casa del Parque la Nava y Campos de Palencia.
Currently, the exhibition has received 3.900 visits. The large amount of rain that we have fortunately received during last weeks has facilitated the filling of the wetlands in Castilla y León and the arrival of birds in our territory, increasing birdwatching tourism in these areas.
In addition, informative talks have been developed, attended by 90 people. In these sessions, were discussed management wetlands topics, such as vegetation control and water management, which reverts to the conservation of different species and climate change mitigation.
Finally, and continuing with the collaboration that we have maintained for 15 years with Asociación Aldama, on November 8, Boada wetland was visited by 17 participants. This association runs as detoxification center in the nearby village Baquerín de Campos (Palencia). During this day, visitors have been able to learn about the hydrological cycle and many of the winter species, represented by the greylag goose, the protagonist of the Boada wetland and museum. In addition, they have learned about the conservation actions that are carried out in the wetland, thanks to LIFE program Wetlands for Climate which allow the conservation of these areas.
These awareness actions are integrated into the LIFE Wetlands for Climate project and framed within the Action E1: project communication campaign