After the desiccation of the Tierra de Campos lagoons due to the summer, and their subsequent re-flooding during the autumn months, the field study work of the LIFE Wetlands4Climate project can continue in the area during another hydrological cycle.
Between December the 13th and December the 14th, FGN and UVEG technicians returned to field work in the Castilla y León wetlands. This constitutes the fifth visit to characterize the pilot wetlands and their work plots, corresponding to the A2 action of the project. During this visit, the bioindicators data measuring and diagnosis in the working wetlands continued, in relation to the carbon fixation respecting its current state of conservation and management modes, which constitutes the C1 action of the project. These works are part of the project’s field and measurement actions. Thanks to these measures, taken at each visit from the beginning of the project, the indicators can be monitored, so that after the duration years of the project, highly relevant data can be obtained from each of the working wetlands over the time, also analyzing its seasonal variations.
During these days all the experimental plots of the project have taken center stage. Those dedicated to mowing marsh vegetation, those dedicated to grazing vegetation, the ones for soil stripping and the ones for soil mudding, as well as the control plots of the experiments. Both in la Nava lagoon and in the Boada de Campos lagoon. In them, the data collection of bioindicators and sampling in the plots has continued, while a maintenance of the staking and delimitation of these was carried out. Additionally, the current depth of the lagoons was measured taking advantage of the visit, using graduated stakes as part of the monitoring of the evolution of this measure.
After these works, the monitoring of these actions continues, with the aim of giving them continuity during the next months of the project. In order to, as mentioned above, get a comprehensive and long-term monitoring of the project’s working wetlands.
Video of the UVEG staff carrying out the pertinent field work for the characterization of the working wetlands and for the collection of bioindicator data in the Nava lagoon (Palencia)