- On the occasion of the International Migratory Bird Day, an awareness day was held to promote the conservation of these species and their habitats.
- Channel 8 Palencia TV made a complete report on the bird banding activity carried out in the Boada lagoon. From minute 04:06 you can hear the reference to the LIFE Wetlands4Climate project.
During the scientific banding days, open days were held for the public to raise awareness of the importance of the conservation of wetlands and the avifauna that inhabit them. A total of 5 open days and a specific workshop were held on April 14, with the participation of amateurs, ornithologists, banders in training, etc. During the event, the importance of the projects developed by FGN in wetlands such as the Boada Lagoon was explained to them and, in addition, they were able to visit the Boada Lagoon Museum House at the end of each day. In addition, all the days have allowed them to enjoy the observation of waterfowl in the lagoon with the help of telescopes and binoculars.
Scientific banding consists of the individual marking of birds through the placement of a metal band on each individual captured with a correlative alphanumeric code that is not repeated in any of them, and with a reference where the country of origin appears. Next, data on age, sex, physical condition and biometrics of all birds captured are taken.
Results of the 2022 spring campaign
Due to its uniqueness, the capture of a specimen of Iberian chiffchaff, endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and southern France, and the capture of two females of bluethroated nightingale, an exclusively migrant species in the area and included in Annex I of the Birds Directive, stand out.
The most abundant species was the Aquatic Warbler with 27 ringings, a species that is exclusively migrant in the Iberian wetlands. The nightingale warbler, house sparrow and wagtail, breeding species and very common in the area, were also identified.
Another group of species captured were summer birds and migrants typically found in marsh or lagoon environments, among them were the common reed warbler, the reed warbler and the black-winged warbler, all three of which are also breeders in the same lagoon.
Other species, in this case sedentary in agricultural fields and around villages, are the greenfinch, linnet and wheatear.