LIFE Wetlands4Climate presenta sus resultados en Bruselas

El equipo del LIFE Wetlands4Climate se ha reunido en Bruselas un para trasladar a la Comisión Europea los resultados científicos del proyecto LIFE Wetlands4Climate, que definen el papel de los humedales mediterráneos para mitigar el cambio climático...




Este proyecto analiza los efectos de las aves acuáticas y los invertebrados en los flujos bentónicos y emisiones superficiales de CO2, CH4 y N2O

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Este proyecto analiza los efectos de las aves acuáticas y los invertebrados en los flujos bentónicos y emisiones superficiales de CO2, CH4 y N2O

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LIFE Peat Restore

LIFE PEAT RESTORE Reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero restaurando las funciones de secuestro de 5.300 hectáreas de turberas degradadas en Alemania, Polonia,

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Apoyo a la gobernanza de los lagos para mitigar el impacto del cambio climático Evaluar diferentes escenarios de cambio climático,

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Participación en congresos científicos internacionales

XX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL-2020) & III Iberoamerican Congress of Limnology (CIL-2020)

  • Organiza: AIL (Iberian Association of Limnology)
  • Fechas: 10/26/2020 – 10/29/2020
  • Ponencia:
    • Why healthy wetlands? Climate implications. Antonio Camacho
    • Consequences of climate change on the carbon balance of Mediterranean wetlands: modelling the response of metabolic carbon processes. Daniel Morant
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12th symposium for European freshwater sciences

  • Organiza: European Federation for Freshwater Sciences
  • Fechas: 7/25/2021 – 7/30/2021
  • Ponencia:
    • Forecasting carbon retention and GHG-emissions in Mediterranean wetlands within climate change scenarios. Antonio Camacho
    • Carbon balance of Mediterraneab wetlands: role of ecological types and human impacts. Daniel Morant
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35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology

  • Organiza: International Society of Limnology
  • Fechas: 8/22/2021 – 8/27/2021
  • Ponencia:
    • Human footprint and carbon balance of Mediterranean semiarid wetlands: from alterations to management and restoration. Antonio Camacho
    • Hydrological and trophic alterations as drivers of the carbon balance in Mediterranean inland saline shallow lakes. Daniel Morant
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 14th International Conference of the ISSRL (International Society for Salt Lake Research)

  • Organiza: International Society for Salt Lake Research
  • Fechas: 10/18/2021 – 10/22/2021
  • Ponencia:
    • Carbon cycle and greenhouse gases exchange in saline lakes: insights to microbiota. Antonio Camacho
    • Effects of WWTP discharges on the carbon metabolic rates and greenhouse gases emissions of temporary saline lagoons. Daniel Morant
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XXVI Conference on Contemporary Phylosophy and Methodology of Science

  • Organiza: Universidade da Coruña
  • Fechas: 10/28/2021 – 10/29/2021
  • Ponencia: Climate Change from a Biological Perspective: Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions. Antonio Camacho
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Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process – Networking Event

XXI conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) and the 2nd meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) and the 21st National Congress of the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO)

  • Organiza: AIL (Iberian Association of Limnology)
  • Fechas: 7/3/2022 – 7/8/2022
  • Ponencia:
    • Driving factors underlying changes in microbial diversity and metabolism associated with biogeochemical carbon cycling in Mediterranean coastal wetlands. Antonio Picazo
    • Patterns and environmental drivers of carbon fluxes in Mediterranean Wetlands. Carlos Rochera
    • Assessment of ecological and conservation status of Mediterranean wetlands under European Nature and Water Directives as indicators of their carbon retention capacity. Daniel Morant
    • A framework for the global assessment of the carbon retention and climate change mitigation services in inland waters: Linking management, restoration, and climate policy. Antonio Camacho
    • Anthropic alterations alter the structure and the carbon-related metabolisms of the prokaryotic communities of inland saline lakes. Javier Miralles
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 36th Congress of the International Society of Limnology

  • Organiza: International Society of Limnology
  • Fechas: 8/7/2022 – 8/10/2022
  • Ponencia: A framework for the assessment and forecast of the carbon retention and GHG exchanges of wetland ecosystems: Linking conservation, management, restoration and climate policy. Antonio Camacho
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6th Bioisle Spring Seminar

13th symposium for European freshwater sciences

  • Organiza: European Federation for Freshwater Sciences​
  • Fechas: 12:00:00 AM – 12:00:00 AM
  • Ponencia:
    • A workflow linking wetland conservation, management, restoration and climate policy to assess the role of wetland ecosystems on climate change mitigation. Antonio Camacho
    • Bridging the gap in diatom molecular databases for the assessment and management of river ecosystems beyond biogeographic borders in Southern Europe. Rafael Carballeira
    • Assessing spatial and temporal patterns of carbon greenhouse gas fluxes in Mediterranean wetlands. Carlos Rochera
    • How to manage temporary ponds and wetlands to strengthen their climate mitigation capacity? A biogeochemical study of their carbon balance under different management and restoration scenarios. Daniel Morant
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6th Water resources and wetlands conference

10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration

  • Organiza: Society for Ecological Restoration​
  • Fechas: 12:00:00 AM – 12:00:00 AM
  • Ponencia: Targeted restoration actions for climate change mitigation through C-storage and GHG-abatement in Mediterranean wetlands: The EU LIFE Wetlands for Climate (W4C) project. Antonio Camacho
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37th Congress of the International Society of Limnology

  • Organiza: International Society of Limnology​
  • Fechas: 12:00:00 AM – 12:00:00 AM
  • Ponencia: Biogeochemical processes associated to management and restoration actions on Mediterranean wetlands to enhance its climate change mitigation capacity. Antonio Camacho
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XXI conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL)

  • Organiza: AIL (Iberian Association of Limnology)​
  • Fechas: 12:00:00 AM – 12:00:00 AM
  • Ponencia:
    • Biogeochemical effects of restoration actions on Mediterranean wetlands to enhance its climate change mitigation capacity. Antonio Camacho
    • Enhancing climate mitigation in wetland management: flood gradient impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Daniel Morant
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