Coastal dunes restoration

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General information

The works of restoration of dune ecosystems in the Valencian Community focus on the set of coastal dune ecosystems located along the coast from north to south.

It is one of the most threatened ecosystems in the region, representing a transition area between terrestrial and marine systems, ecotones or ecological borders, characterized by intense processes of matter and energy exchange. They are very dynamic ecosystems, constantly evolving and changing. The coastal dunes are one of the natural formations that best represents the dynamism and fragility of this type of environments. The sandy coasts have suffered the increasing pressures of the tourism and urban growth, so few well preserved dune fields remain in our territory.

In the provinces of Castellón, Valencia and Alicante, still remains areas of the original coastal dunes that years ago appeared along the coast. They are small areas, interconnected, and they house a large part of the flora and fauna diversity of coastal environments.

We have worked to restore these ecosystems with different techniques: construction of Bardisas (sand areas fenced) to grow the dunes, flora restoration through regeneration of native dune species and elimination of exotics and invasive species, restoration of inter-dunes wetlands and protection by fencing the habitat.


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